Saturday, March 26, 2016

Quick Rubric

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I have used rubrics a lot for students in my art classes. I find rubrics to be the best way to level the playing field in grading all students, and help eliminate the bias in grading. Rubrics let me specify the exact requirements I have for a given project, and then allow me to assess the degree to which students have met those requirements based on the set criteria. My goal in using rubrics is to help ensure that I'm grading each student's performance individually and fairly, without comparison to anyone else. That being said, rubrics can be very time-consuming to create. So it's wonderful that there is an online tool that can help create rubrics simply and quickly. That tool can be found at

Quick Rubric Tool

Richard Byrne has a wonderful website called Free Tech 4 Teachers, and he features lots of great ed tech resources on his blog. You can find him on Twitter too (@rmbyrne). Richard has created a tutorial for how to use Quick Rubric, so please check that out below. 

This may be a tool you'll want to keep in your online rubric toolbox. If you have experience using Quick Rubric, please share your experience in the comments. Would love to hear from you.


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